MARS IN AQUARIUS 13th February 2024

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On the 13th, Mars joins Mercury in the sign of Aquarius. ⁣

Mars is often depicted as the archetype of war and sex. Which really does not cut it. ⁣Yes, it is a more primal and instinctive energy. But it is so much more: it is the energy that drives and motivates us, that pushes us to take action. Mars helps us to go after what we want and protect ourselves from what we DON'T want. This planet describes how we set boundaries and how we assert ourselves.⁣

Air is about reason, the intellectual mind and theory. It is also very socially inclined: community and social causes are important to this element.⁣

Fixed energy is intense - it holds strongly onto something, in this case opinions, thoughts and knowledge. With Mars in Fixed Air, we will know what we want and don't want by orienting to our inner voice. By following our own concepts and theories. No matter how weird or far out there they might be. ⁣

Having your own opinion is very important when it comes to boundaries, otherwise you are just following along with the herd. ⁣

We might also set our boundaries by simply detaching ourselves from people or situations - if reason is lost with somebody there is no need to keep engaging. ⁣

Because Mars also represents our anger, communal and collective issues might come up that anger us. Or situations where we see ancient knowledge in danger of being wiped out. Which is where we will be asked to step in with strong reason and say no more! ⁣


π˜—π˜©π˜°π˜΅π˜°: π˜”π˜’π˜Ή 𝘏𝘒𝘳𝘭𝘺𝘯𝘬π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 | 𝘜𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘒𝘴𝘩⁣