Capricorn - Cardinal Earth

The descriptions I share below only apply to unevolved Capricorns. With Capricorn I mean: Capricorn Sun, Capricorn Moon or Rising Sign or any other heavy emphasis of Capricorn in the chart. So don't think just because you are not a Capricorn Sun that this does not apply to you. Go check your chart, everyone has Capricorn somewhere. Sometimes pronounced with a planet or angle. That being said, there are many Capricorns who don't display these traits. If you get triggered by this description, maybe there is something here for you ⁣

The Shadow side of all cardinal signs is dominance. Capricorn tries to establish dominance (Cardinal) through physicality and practical things (Earth). ⁣

They try to make themselves indispensable so that you will rely on them. This can be by showering you with gifts or practical offers to help. The gifts don't come from a purity of heart though but to earn enough brownie points in advance so they can come back to you later and claim something in return. You might have even declined their offer, but you'll still get it regardless. They could be the person who always helps, who has all the tools one could ever need. And they generously offer these proactively to you while filing away how much you owe them by now.⁣

Also, an unevolved Capricorn may reach out to you with an agenda in mind. You know those calls and messages where you can feel straight away it's not about the connection itself. They contacted you because they want something from you.

Physical dominance can also be exerted quite literally, by taking over physical space. When you live together with them, they might take up most of the storage room, claim the best room in the house for themselves or put their belongings in key areas to display they are the boss of the house. Like with everything that's hidden in the shadows, these things happen subconsciously and they are not aware of it. ⁣

Think about the Capricorns in your life - do you recognize any of these traits? Or maybe you recognize some of this in yourself? It's good to take a look at ourselves from time to time and check if we have a blind spot somewhere, even if it hurts a little bit. If you display those traits and behaviors, maybe ask yourself next time you want to do X again: what is my motivation behind it? ⁣

𝘗𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘰: 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘢 𝘖𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘪 | 𝘜𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩⁣