Moved By The Spark Of God

Mars, the archetype of will and action will infuse our collective emotional lessons soon. The North Node describes what is outside of our comfort zone, but necessary for our emotional evolution. This North Node specifically wants us to learn to feel our Aries power. To get in touch with the cardinal fire emotions of unbridled enthusiasm, fast excitement and reckless aggression. When Mars is added, it brings in the drive and courage to do so.

As a collective, it's a good time to check the blindspots regarding boundaries when it comes to assertion. Maybe we should have set some boundaries before that we didn't - now with the conjunction, we can start another learning cycle around this topic. We can learn to move from enthusiasm and passion and taking action based on what we want. Rather than doing things out of routine or because some authority told us to.

Aries energy is notorious for questioning authorities because it acknowledges and understands the powerful authority it has over itself. It knows and recognizes the godly divine spark and spirit each human has. A spirit with a big vision that can do anything and does not need to be told what to do.

Cardinal Fire is moved by an energy that is not from this earthy realm, it is the animating or vital principle in humans. If you look at the etymology meaning of the word spirit, it says "breath of a god". If we have the almighty breath of god within us, why do we let others dictate what to do? Why are we convinced that we are helpless and powerless in a situation?

It's because we have forgotten that we come from god/source…possibly to make this experience here more real and visceral. Had we incarnated still remembering that we carry unlimited creative power within us, things would have been pretty boring. It's now time to
re-member, to consciously make that god spark a part of us again. And to learn to let that
spark move us. When we take action knowing we carry the spark of god within, we are an unstoppable pulse of light igniting everything and everyone around us.

Photo: Bhushan Sadani | Unsplash