JUPITER RETROGRADE IN TAURUS 4th September until 30th December 2023
/The Inner Quest
Jupiter represents the teacher and seeker - when he enters the scene, we get on a quest that expands our consciousness and horizon. This can be done literally by traveling or metaphorically by studying philosophies or the esoterics, or contemplating on the vastness of this universe. And it is always an exploration of the unknown, of going beyond. Some other Jupiter attributes are: growth, encouragement, hope, protection, wisdom, morality, and generosity.
The danger with Jupiter lies in excess. The saying of ‘too much of a good thing’ is definitely something that applies to this archetype. Jupiter blows up what is present—for better or for worse—making it so big you cannot ignore it. One of my worst planetary returns has been my Jupiter return when I was 35. So much for the traditional labeling of planets being benefic or malefic. Jupiter is not as good as you believe, it pretty much just enlarges what is. It can totally bestow you with luck and prosperity, but it can also expand the negatives.
So this retrograde Jupiter expands the matters of the house that it is in e.g. if Jupiter is traveling through your 2nd house which would concern your own resources (money, energy, time) and skills. These topics want to grow beyond what is right now. This can mean literal growth as in money becoming more but also metaphorical growth, finding value beyond physical possessions. It can be growth by realizing where you over-do it with your resources, spend too much or give others too much of your energy and time.
Because Jupiter is in Taurus, topics around material security and how you feel stable and comfy in your body and material environment might come to the forefront during this time.
Jupiter exaggerates but also encourages and adds optimism to the house it is in and the planets it connects to. Because it is a retrograde phase, this needs some internal reflection first before it transpires on the outside. Seeking a deeper truth and looking for the hope within is what's being asked of us right now. No matter how confusing and bleak the world might look like. Once you go on that inner quest, you'll be amazed at the treasures you'll find!
Retrogrades are great for a course correction: as we reflect we gain perspective and discover greater potential. Jupiter can give us a bit of an inner pep talk, encouraging us to soon take that leap that is necessary to take us beyond. It's giving us a friendly pat on the back telling us: you got this! And once it goes direct again at the end of the year, the things you have learned on your inner quest will make all of that rich soul growth possible.
Photo: Garrett Sears | Unsplash