VENUS CONJUNCT PLUTO  January 1 until 7, 2023  

The Power of the Heart

We are starting the new year with this powerful alignment – and Pluto will play an important role again later on in March, Venus will be retrograde this year. I am getting a feeling this could be transformational year for all of us.

Venus is all about the divine spark that manifests inside of us when we look at somebody we love or the awe a beautiful flower or painting evokes in us. It is our heart energy that gets activated through Venus. What is dear to our heart also concerns our values (external values like money and internal ones) & who or what we find attractive. Venus wants to connect to another. Venusian themes are: love, beauty, heart expression, pleasure and attraction.

Pluto is not as likeable at first sight, since it usually means intense transformation when we meet it.
It’s the mushy state that a caterpillar is in before it turns into a butterfly. And anything Pluto touches and changes can not be reversed anymore. It’s the crisis that leads to a catharsis – a long overdue purge that finally gets release. Power, death & rebirth, renewal and hidden aspects are Plutonian themes.

This being a conjunction (meaning both planets huddle really close together) indicates a new cycle of the power of the heart. A renewal of our value system – what values do we want to keep, which ones can we toss out? Like a Marie Kondo detox but for your heart. Where we intensely question how much power do we give another? How much do we obsess over somebody or something close to our heart?
You might find yourself needing more intense and intimate relationships – surface level just does not cut it anymore. But make sure this does not turn into manipulation and control dynamics. Meet your own needs and work on empowering each other instead.
You could find yourself diving deep into creative pursuits – I have painted for hours yesterday, I was so immersed in the process I did not even realise it was getting dark again.
Very cliché mundane themes for the next couple of days of this transit could be transformational sex or clearing your wallet from all those old receipts you no longer need. Financial corruption coming to the surface would be another possibility or finding out hidden aspects about somebody we love.
I hope the latter is not the case – but then again, Pluto only brings to the surface what needs to come out 😊

photo: Bankim Desai (Unsplash)