Truth or Dare

You’ve probably read and heard about it the past couple of weeks: we have got the first of 2 eclipses in October coming up now.

Eclipses come in pairs and coincide with full moons & new moons.
This Solar Eclipse is a New Moon on Steroids, so all about new beginnings. With the lunar South Node involved, letting go and releasing something in order to have that new beginning is key.

Eclipses are cosmic wild cards that can get us to pay attention to areas in our lives that need to change. This often happens by surprise and being uprooted might not feel pleasant, it‘s for our highest evolution though.

This is the second eclipse in a set occurring along the Aries-Libra axis. The first one of this Aries-Libra set happened on April 20th this year and the last one will be on March 29, 2025. While we’ve been working on our individuation and pioneering new inspired action since April, this October eclipse in Libra might prompt us to pioneer speaking up and out. We’ve been daring a lot with Aries, now it’s time for some Libra truth.

The potent Libra energy can teach us to initiate necessary conversations without delay.
To let ideas flow, in an uncensored way. And to ask questions - without holding back. To speak up without inhibitions when it’s needed.

I can see how this is happening on a personal level for me: as this eclipse is activating my Mercury in Libra (plus Saturn & Pluto) I am finding myself fearlessly asking important questions I want answers to. Without delay and any fluff. When I would have waited before, it’s simply not possible with this energy. I can also see glimpses of some ground-breaking ideas coming through for my astrology coaching and other projects. The pioneering spirit has been brewing since April, now I’m getting the matching ideas to it.

So what process started for you in April at the Aries eclipse that might continue to unfold now? Check the 2 opposite houses of Aries and Libra in your chart and you might find a theme and what this eclipse set is teaching you.

You could find yourself at a huge turning point in that area of life. Also, if the eclipse is connecting with one of your natal planets or angles, this might have a bigger impact on you than your usual eclipse. All my Libra people: hang in there – whatever is going on is for your own good 😉

Remember, nothing happens TO you. Eclipses only shake up things that are already loose. And you might not even recognize the importance of a current situation. Or that a decision you take now will have a huge impact on your life. Only in retrospect, in a few months or years, you might see how this eclipse pivoted something in your life.  

Happy eclipsing.


Photo: Jongsun Lee | Unsplash