MARS ENTERS SCORPIO 12th October 2023
/Emotional Landscapes
Mars is moving into the sign of Fixed Water (Scorpio) today. After spending the past weeks in an outwards and rational energy. Now it is time for Mars to become more internalized and emotional.
Mars is the archetype that gets us moving and also helps us to put boundaries in place. Our collective drive and sense of action-taking will be filtered through the Scorpionic filter over the next couple of weeks.
The Fixed mode means internal, private and intense. It values security and likes to observe first. Water is all about emotions, intuition and sensitivity. Therefore, fixed Water focuses a lot on emotional security. And they prefer to process their intense emotions privately.
Before leaping forward, we might first check: How do I feel about it? Does it feel safe to take this action? Can I trust this? We might also rely more on our intuition now when moving forward.
From the outspokenness of Libra when it comes to our boundaries, we are now switching to setting our boundaries non-verbally. There will be no need to verbalize them, people will simply feel when they crossed the line. Our emotional presence will radiate out intense cues that signal: Stop! Do not go further! In some cases, we could even become overly protective of our needs – and react with intense emotions when they are not met. Fixed signs come with a certain stubbornness too – my own Mars is in Scorpio and if I don’t FEEL like it, I won’t do it. If it does not feel right or when I have not landed emotionally yet, there is 0 chance I’ll do something that you asked me 🙃
The inner emotional landscape of Scorpio can also provide us with a strong imagination to support actualizing our desires. One of the keys to fueling anything that we want to achieve in life is our emotions. And we‘ve currently got access to really strong ones -let’s use them to propel us ahead!
Photo: Kiwihug | Unsplash