MERCURY CAZIMI 22nd December 2023

Beyond the Self

Mercury meets the Sun today, in a very close conjunction. When Mercury is "in the heart of the Sun" it's an opportunity to understand ourselves on a deeper level. It's a great day to communicate who we are with more clarity and confidence.

A Mercury Cazimi happens quite regularly compared to other planets since Mercury is the closest one to the Sun. But there is something special about this Cazimi: the sun was just aligned with the Galactic Center on the 19th, receiving lots of cosmic energy and data. Which the messenger planet Mercury now gets infused with.

It's the perfect time to open up to insights and wisdom from our essence. The Sun represents Consciousness. It describes what we mean when we say I AM. Mercury brings in information, that now is not only charged by the sun but is supercharged from beyond.

With the recent influx of that galactic energy, we might suddenly remember that we go even further than this one life on Earth. That we have lived many lifetimes on different planets, belonged to different star races, and traveled through universes. Our body will simply know what is true when we receive that information from the sun.

On a more spiritual level, this Cazimi could be literally described as a translation of light into language. If we could perceive (Mercury) the light (Sun) in us and everybody else, imagine how different the world could be. And now imagine if we knew everybody's galactic and earth lives, parallel, past and future ones…all of them. If we could see the whole picture of what makes up our essence. The good, the bad the ugly. We would realize that we are all part of 1 source, experiencing itself in a multitude of facets. How differently would we carry ourselves and express the parts of source consciousness we identify with.

Photo: Kilarov Zaneit | Unsplash