Speak Up, Speak Out

Everyone is talking about the Aries eclipse on the 8th of April, but the first eclipse this year will be on the 25th of March, in the sign of Libra. This eclipse continues the Aries/Libra eclipse set we started last year in April.

While Solar eclipses tend to bring new beginnings, Lunar eclipses often signify a final ending of something. The purpose of a Lunar Eclipse is to shine a glaring light on things so we can change. Often, this reveals the true character of a person or a situation - so be prepared that you might not like what you see.

Libra is Cardinal Air, known to be searching for answers and being outspoken. Though Air is not only about communication and the mind but also about community. Connecting and networking with other people. After all, language and words are tools to connect with others.

If you follow my posts, by now you know that Libra means unfiltered (Cardinal) Words (Air). Therefore, this eclipse could bring up uncomfortable truths about speaking in an uncensored way. Some other themes could be anything related to making connections - by networking, coming together in a community and having conversations.

Intellectual (Air) dominance (Cardinal) can be another Libra expression, which I had a taster of this week. And in a Lunar Eclipse fashion, I made sure this was the last time. On a personal level, you might encounter people or situations where you are not allowed to speak freely. Or where you are exposed to somebody trying to dominate a conversation. We as a collective could face issues of censorship or something prompting us to finally speak up.

Eclipses are not exactly subtle, but the intensity is necessary because we did not pay attention to the little signs before. Sometimes the big guns are needed to get us on the right trajectory. It's not always challenging news though: if you are on a pretty good path already, chances are this eclipse will only bring you even MORE positive confirmation of this. Also, things don't just come up on the eclipse day itself, they can show themselves days and weeks before and after. Take note of all cues and signals you get near an eclipse. You could even have dreams dealing with the themes of the eclipse.

It's always good to look at the opposite sign, in this case Aries, and the opposite house of where the eclipse is happening for you. Aries is cardinal fire, which indicates taking bold action and being a courageous leader. Which is what was requested in my situation. It could also cause us to have a short fuse, so try to keep this in mind when interacting with others.

Remember what happened on a global and personal level around the Libra eclipse on 14th October last year. This will give you clues about which theme(s) might be continued with this one. Then check the house where 5° Libra is found. For me, it's the 11th house, the house of groups. Planets close to or at 5° Libra (and also 5° Aries/Capricorn/Cancer) will get pinged by this eclipse, therefore check if you have any planets on those degrees in your birth chart.

Can you spot a pattern that you have been working on since October? Maybe situations that had to do with speaking freely and taking bold action?

Happy eclipsing.

Photo: Johannes Krupinski | Unsplash