Adjusting The Heat Level

Yes, it's that time again - Mercury is going retrograde 1st of April. I still don't get people's fascination with Mercury Retrogrades but hey, at least Mercury gets some attention on its journey through the year. Usually, other planets seem more appealing or at least more exciting than the messenger. Which I find a bit sad, because, after all, communication is the basis of civilized human life. Imagine you couldn't speak or write and share yourself with the world? Imagine you couldn't hear - it would be a very lonely life.

Mercury in Cardinal Fire represents the inspired message that HAS to be spoken, even if it ruffles a few feathers. Or is met with resistance.

The inwards movement of a retrograde planet invites us to reflect, rethink, and reassess. In this case, to reassess the volume or amount of fire we communicate with.

Is our message uninspiring and lifeless like a damp cloth somebody has left in a bucket?
Is our message scorching and blazing like a wildfire, sparing nothing and nobody?

As a collective, maybe it is time to adjust the heat level when it comes to what we speak and think about. In some areas, we might need to speak with more courage, become louder, and more passionate. Putting a bit more Oomph into what we have to say. And making our desires and inspiration known. In other areas, we might need to turn down the dial a little bit.

I see so many heated discussions about trivia, whereas really important topics are not spoken about. It sometimes looks like the majority of people make more fuss about celebrities and which Zodiac sign they hate the most than the state of the world.

With this Mercury Retrograde in Aries, we have the perfect opportunity to go inward, muster all the courage we have, and come out again with vigor. So we can address even uncomfortable topics head-on first. And take a loud and clear stand.

Photo: Moja Msanii | Unsplash