/The Existential Wound
The first eclipse is already over and we're moving quickly towards the next one on April 8th. As a part of the Aries/Libra eclipse set we started last year in spring, this one will continue with the themes of Cardinal Fire (and Cardinal Air).
We shed a few things at the Lunar eclipse, now it's time to start afresh. Even double fresh, since it's a new moon which typically represents new beginnings but also a moon in Aries, the sign that symbolizes the start of spring.
Looking at the energies at the beginning of spring, we understand how Aries is the perfect expression of it. Initiating things from a spark and with great courage. The little seedling developing underground has no other choice than to push through the soil at some stage. Not knowing what to expect, just this inner urge to move forward with a bold movement. If it wants to live and grow, it needs to break on through to the other side. And there is no time to think about that decision, when it's time to go it's time to go! It cannot allow itself to think about a fox maybe trampling on it, or landing in a cow's mouth, or being sprayed by pesticides…It cannot chicken out, otherwise it will die without the sunlight it needs to grow.
Cardinal Fire is this against-all-odds energy that faces challenges, even seeks challenges as it needs to rub against something to feel alive. This eclipse is a good time to ponder what we are willing to risk or face. What is so inspiring and vital to us that we are willing to take on the world?
Not only is it a total Solar Eclipse, but the Sun and Moon will also meet with Chiron on the same degree. And that brings a very important additional aspect to this event: Healing.
I got my message on what to heal a few days ago: A red car (how fitting for Aries) cut me off while I was driving through a roundabout. Either the person did not see me or thought they would be faster than me, I don't know. But what followed was such a strong feeling of blind rage that I sped through the roundabout (had to do an extra round because of the cutting off) and followed that red car until I got really close up. And if an inner voice hadn't told me to calm down, I might have pushed him/her off the road. I was centimeters away from his bumper - but eventually fell back and calmed down.
When I got home, I sat with that feeling of blind rage…and found out a deep feeling of hurt from not being seen was hidden beneath. Ah, such a familiar theme: being ignored, not seen, not appreciated…which I have worked on countless times. It seems I am doing another round of healing with this (pun intended).
Why does that incident fit this New Moon eclipse? The seed in the soil is also not seen. And it has to continue despite that if it wants to live. It does not know about the other seeds. Nobody is cheering it on above the ground, it is only a pure will to live that drives it to action. New Moons are seeding points where you start something new, you plant a seed but you don't see any results yet. Also, the blind rage is a shadow side of cardinal uncensored fire.
So this eclipse is a new opportunity to work on healing wounds in our Aries expression. It can be this existential wound of: am I allowed to be here, am I seen? Or our ability to channel that fast fire: Can I express my fire in a more fully, more uncensored way? So that I don't blow up and go fully unhinged in the future. Look at the suppressed fire within you, chances are with these energies it will come out and find a way to express itself. And also embrace that fiery side of you! We want to be good humans and we want to be liked so much, that we often suppress that part of us. But without the cardinal fire in us, we would be dead already. To truly live, you need a bit of fire and zing.
19° Aries in your chart will give you clues about where you might need to heal some of that Aries expression. Which house is it in? Maybe this eclipse even pings one of your natal planets that is at 19° Aries (and 19° Libra, 19° Capricorn and 19° Cancer). In my chart, 19° Aries is in the 5th house, the house of fun and risk, and the eclipse will be opposite my Mercury in Libra. Mercury is not only associated with communication but also with movement and transport like cars…Dreams and symbols could also reveal that healing message to you.
What you personally and we as a collective experienced last year in March could be something that comes up again now, but this time with a potential for healing, Have lots of compassion with yourself and others the next couple of days, you never know what pains they are currently trying to heal.
Happy eclipsing.
Photo: Imso Gabriel | Unsplash