Jupiter Uranus conjunction - a personal experience
/Big Rapid Breakthroughs
I want to share my personal experience from the days leading up to the coming Jupiter-Uranus encounter. Days filled with big breakthroughs, epiphanies, and so much emotional healing. This Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (big breakthroughs) is trine (healing) my natal Moon (emotions) and Sun(ego). The right tools to really shift some very old stuff landed in my lap, unexpectedly. You could call it miracles or blessings - from what I am learning currently, it was me aligning enough with a higher true Me so I would be able to see those tools.
My theme of these past couple of days can be best described with this:
If you want to create something bigger than yourself, you have to be fully yourself first. And to be whole, you need to be authentic.
Let me explain:
Jupiter helps us to grow and expand. Uranus helps us access more of who we really are, our unique and authentic expression. If you want to grow and live a better life, you need to deal with the stuff from your childhood. You probably already knew that. The challenge is, that we as adults try to protect that inner child. Until we resolve what happened during our childhood the adult us will always try to protect the inner child.
Jupiter & Uranus start their new 14-year-long danceon the 20th/21st this month. So in this context, what does it mean when those 2 come together? They exaggerate the need for authenticity. With Jupiter as encouragement, Uranus -the bringer of light to humanity (check out the Prometheus myth)- flips on a light switch in a dark room and now we suddenly see all the dark spots that we can no longer hide. This brings us to: Shadow Work. Who knew Jupiter & Uranus had something to do with THAT?
You can only let something in (light/truth/more of the real you) if you are open. The shadows inside of us create resistance to that: they act like a lid and prevent anything from entering or leaving. What do I mean by shadows? Beliefs that are not true and unprocessed emotions that are hidden in our subconsciousness. And at some point, the pressure to integrate more light (truth/the real you) will be crushing.
The epiphanies I got leading up to this conjunction of big light not only helped me spot and release a ton of shadows that were hidden in my subconsciousness. Plus now I also have those tools I can use when working with coaching clients on these things. Unsurprisingly, this conjunction takes place in my 7th house - the house of our projections, relationships and 1:1 clients.
It was interesting to see the Taurus part play out in this: for the first time, I truly GOT on a visceral level (not only intellectually) how trauma is stored in the body and how to release it. Taurus is closely connected to the body and our somatic experience. I understood what the nervous system has to do with trauma, and how without a feeling of safety in the body, no spiritual exercises or self-improvement we do work. As a result of that, incredible financial shifts and gifts happened within 1-2 days. My mind is still blown by this.
With more and more light coming in, I would really advise you to work on clearing your shadows so you can live more authentically. You might think: Oh, I am very authentic already. But how many times do you say Yes when you mean No? Or listen to somebody pretending you are interested while you are bored to death. Nodding along and laughing when you did not find it funny at all. Holding yourself back because you don't want to be too much. Most of us are people pleasers to a certain degree…of course, none of us wants to admit that.
People pleasing is just one inauthentic consequence of the subconscious shadows steering our lives. Just the fact that ANY limiting beliefs and emotions from the past are stored in our subconsciousness makes us inauthentic. Because there is something we believe about ourselves that is not true. And there is an emotion holding us back from fully expressing our wholesome self. So none of us is 100% authentic, there is always potential for more.
This is a loving nudge from me as a (still) recovering people pleaser. If you had a less-than-ideal childhood, it's a necessary survival habit you picked up. But now you are an adult. You have big visions for your life. Once you start dealing with your shadows inside, the need for people-pleasing subsides and you can start living more authentically and freely. And from there, from this place of authentic wholeness, you can grow beyond your wildest expectations.
Photo: Zach Lucero | Unsplash