VENUS IN TAURUS 29th April 2024
/Festival Of Senses
Venus, the archetype of connection and pleasure moved into her home sign yesterday.
When Venus expresses herself in Fixed Earth, pleasure moves into the body and makes itself home. We start to appreciate more of what we see, smell, taste, feel and hear. Our physical senses become heightened and each bite we eat and flower we smell has so much more richness and aroma. Fixed Earth describes the stillness and concentration of matter. Fixed energy is slow and focused inward. The element of Earth describes all that is physical: our body, food, nature, and all the physical things that are part of this life in a human suit.
Venus describes what we value, what we love and how we express our love to others. She also symbolizes high ideals like harmony and peace… and how can you not come into instant peace and harmony when you look at the astonishing symmetry in nature: a leaf unfurling in an oh-so-slow movement, flowers following aesthetical symmetrical patterns and displaying their beauty in perfect spirals & sequences.
What we can learn from nature, especially during the Taurus Venus season is the harmonization of the body. It's an invitation to reflect on: what gives my body joy and pleasure? How can I bring it into more harmony and peace? The body that is so rattled from everyday stresses…How about we let it take the lead for a moment, and follow its pace instead of the pace that the world expects from us? How can I let it unfurl in its own time instead of pushing it to the max to go go go?
You certainly know the saying: When in a hurry, go slow. Only when we go slow, we can become present. From presence, we can tune in - we can listen to our own body, other bodies, and nature.
This is the perfect time for us to become still and enjoy the physical world with all of our senses. It's the time to follow our own pace, to do things in our own time. Even if that is at a snail's pace. The body will show us and teach us to slow down as an act of self-love and deep connection to ourselves.
Photo: Kevin Castel | Unsplash