MARS IN TAURUS 9th June 2024
/Slow And Steady
On June 9, we will shift our action-taking energy from fiery Aries to earthy Taurus. Now that we had a couple of weeks of bold action and new inspiration it's time to slow down and make this thing solid. We're gathering all the sparks flying around to build something tangible from it - something that will last.
Mars in Taurus is a grounded, no-fluff energy. The type of energy you need when you want to manifest something concrete and well-crafted.
What motivates us now is stability and security. Taking good care of our financial stability as well as our body. Our physical raw energy wants to be expressed in sensual slow motion. Our drive to do somethingis born from a visceral feeling from deep within the body.
And we are taking our time to go step by step. Whatever we want, we will get it just at the right time. There is no need to run after it, or try to pull it towards us. We know everything has its own timing and pace. And we have the patience to wait for that.
Like when you wait for your sourdough. It's no use to yell at it to hurry up. You could of course take it and bake a loaf of bread from it prematurely but the result won't be satisfying. At the same time, you cannot wait too long to bake it either. That is the fine art of observing matter (Fixed Earth) and knowing the exact timing to take action (Mars).
Photo: Adam Bartoszewicz | Unsplash