/Understanding Through Contrast
Mercury the archetype of communication is leaving the grounded realm of Taurus - Fixed Earth for the spacious realm of Gemini - Mutable Air. When thinking about this, I got the image of a drone flying up from the ground into the air, getting a great overview on things. When we are too close to the matter (Earth) our view is limited - Air gives us a better overview. Combined with the mutable energy, it means this is achieved by exchanging our thoughts and ideas with others. Because we are not 100% copies of each other, differences in opinion and contrasts show up when we do so.
The Mutable Air energy is a master at holding contrasting views, it engages with as many people as possible. Exploring as many subjects as possible. Just to learn and know more. Very often not even with a particular goal in mind, but purely for the experience. They don't need to finish things to learn from them. When an interesting subject has run out of steam, they move on.
Like a butterfly, they don't suck the flower dry but they hop from flower to flower and get a taste of a whole buffet of nectar, not only one type. And like the butterfly, we evolve our mental capacities by learning from others. Exchanging our opinions with others. Even if that means contrast.
It's an invitation to become MORE flexible mentally (if you're usually on the stubborn side). Maybe you COULD learn from another person? Maybe somebody has something valuable to say even if you don't like them or their opinion. We don't have to take it on board, but we can acknowledge how they came to that conclusion. Gemini teaches us to bend our brains a little more and to create new neural pathways.
Simultaneously, it's a good Gemini approach to put your own thinking cap on when engaging with anything you learn - it could be during conversations, when reading books or watching a Youtube video. They debate whatever is fed to them and question and poke until they can accept it as truth or not. So the next couple of weeks are great for us as a collective to not simply believe what we read and take it as truth, but to discuss every bit of information that we meet. Discuss it with the other person or in your own head. Don't just take any update or post as THE truth. Maybe it's not true for you?
Photo: Giorgio Grani | Unsplash