MARS IN SAGITTARIUS 24th November 2023

Partners in Crime

Mars is soon going to move from watery Scorpio (fixed water) into fiery Sagittarius (mutable fire).

When it comes to Fire signs like Sagittarius, we've got to think passion, inspiration and vision. These people are bold and courageous, but different to Aries who likes to go first and lead, Sagittarius wants company in their endeavors.

Mutable Signs need other people they can do, see, feel and think together with. Which is why Sagittarius wants to share their excitement with others, a partner in crime. Their motto is: 2 heads are better than one when it comes to executing on a vision.

As a collective, we had the opportunity to conjure a lot of inspired thoughts the past week with Mercury being in Sagittarius already. Now it's time to take action on these. What we want is to execute on the vision we share. Going after our passion that lights a fire in our heart. And encourage each other, when it comes to asserting our boundaries and stating what we need.

Collaborating either in bold action or reckless shenanigans, both is very welcome right now. Adding a dash of playfulness and fun to get what we want might be the best Mutable Fire trick to propel us forward. Seeing challenges as a game and facing them as a team makes things much easier.

On a personal level, you might find yourself wanting to team up with others to tackle whatever is in front of you. Go find other people who can support you in your vision and fuel you into action, instead of dampening your spirit.

Photo: Joshua Gresham | Unsplash

MARS CAZIMI IN SCORPIO 18th November 2023

Fighting The Good Fight

From yesterday until the middle of December, the Sun and Mars come together in a conjunction. Two potent archetypes who combine their energies. In this case, it is also what astrologers call a Cazimi: a very close conjunction. While the close conjunction of the Sun and Mars only happens for a short time, a wider conjunction will still be in effect in the coming weeks. So Sun and Mars continue their huddle, just with a bit more wiggle room between them.

A Cazimi means a planet being in the heart of the sun, derived from the Arabic term kaṣmīmi “as if in the heart.” For most planets, a Cazimi happens at least once a year, or even more often. Since a Mars Cazimi only happens every 2 years, this is something worth noting.

When a Cazimi occurs, the qualities of that particular planet are thought to be vitalized and purified by the Sun. When the Sun illuminates a planet, it infuses it with its energy, giving it an additional boost.

During a Mars Cazimi, the Sun will shine a light on how we express our Mars nature as a collective.

The fusion of these 2 powerful energies provides us with a storehouse of fuel. We as a collective might have more drive and will to go after what we want and also set some clear boundaries, saying: No more!

To me this planetary combination almost has a holy feel to it, like fighting the good fight for what we desire. It can certainly help us to overcome any challenges with a lot of courage we can now tap into.

Under Mars Cazimi, we can become more conscious regarding our instinctive nature. This could lead to a better awareness of our collective anger, which for sure needs room for healthy expression after all we have been through and are still going through.

The Sun also represents our ego and Mars describes how we take action. So on the flipside, it could mean we're going to see more action being taken from the ego. At the moment, both planets are still in Scorpio, fixed water, adding a certain emotional intensity to all of it.

Let's hope for the positive pure expression of confident assertion rather than egoic action.

On a personal level, this illumination of Mars can give you the right push forward to achieve anything.Once you have figured out what you want connect it to your emotions (Scorpio) and you'll become unstoppable!

The last Mars Cazimi in Scorpio happened in 1991, so you might want to look at what happened in 1991 for you on a personal level, and for the collective. Check where 25° Scorpio is in your chart and this can give you a clue about what specific area of life this Mars Cazimi in Scorpio is about for you.

photo: Dawid Malecki | Unsplash


Short fuse burning

November could turn out to be quite energetic, with a Sun-Mars conjunction on 18th November. And on top of that, Uranus will oppose Mars from 11th November until the end of this year, adding erraticness to the already energized Mars. All while we are going through the first weeks of Saturn in Pisces in direct motion again. Talking about being extra responsible with our emotions!

Best case could be us collectively balancing our will (Mars) with our sense of independence (Uranus). The worst case scenario could be people walking around with a very short fuse. Scorpio as fixed water tends to hold emotions, sometimes for a very long time. So any resentment or anger that we are holding -personally or as a collective- might come to light suddenly. On a positive note, our courage could be sparked, by Uranus sending down a lightning bolt into the emotional depth of Scorpio. Revealing our will and ability to assert ourselves.

I really urge you to pause and breathe the next couple of weeks before exploding on other people. There are ways to establish our boundaries firmly but without extra aggression. Uranus opposing Mars might entice you to blow up. Which sometimes is necessary, but often it destroys more than it helps. Whatever your preferred tool is to be calm & collected and responsible with your emotions, do that now more often than ever. It will save you from being reactive and regretting a lot of things later.

If you can, release pressure more frequently, in small doses. Get physically active, punch a pillow, or whatever helps to release the excess energy.
Take it from somebody with a natal Mars-Uranus conjunction in her chart. Once the fuse is lit, things escalate quickly. Keep this in mind now when interacting with others and don’t poke the bear.

Excess energy is also harsh on your body, so find a way to channel it and guide it. At the same time, you might be pushing your emotional and physical boundaries BECAUSE of that excess energy. So keep an eye on that, get some rest, and take good care of yourself.

Instead of blowing up, take that fuel to establish clearly what you want. Focus your energy on THAT. The combined energy of Mars and Uranus can help you break through any challenges now. Like cosmic dynamite freeing your pathway from any obstacles.

Photo: Jonas Frey | Unsplash

MARS ENTERS SCORPIO 12th October 2023

Emotional Landscapes

Mars is moving into the sign of Fixed Water (Scorpio) today. After spending the past weeks in an outwards and rational energy. Now it is time for Mars to become more internalized and emotional.

Mars is the archetype that gets us moving and also helps us to put boundaries in place. Our collective drive and sense of action-taking will be filtered through the Scorpionic filter over the next couple of weeks.

The Fixed mode means internal, private and intense. It values security and likes to observe first. Water is all about emotions, intuition and sensitivity. Therefore, fixed Water focuses a lot on emotional security. And they prefer to process their intense emotions privately.

Before leaping forward, we might first check: How do I feel about it? Does it feel safe to take this action? Can I trust this? We might also rely more on our intuition now when moving forward.

From the outspokenness of Libra when it comes to our boundaries, we are now switching to setting our boundaries non-verbally. There will be no need to verbalize them, people will simply feel when they crossed the line. Our emotional presence will radiate out intense cues that signal: Stop! Do not go further! In some cases, we could even become overly protective of our needs – and react with intense emotions when they are not met. Fixed signs come with a certain stubbornness too – my own Mars is in Scorpio and if I don’t FEEL like it, I won’t do it. If it does not feel right or when I have not landed emotionally yet, there is 0 chance I’ll do something that you asked me 🙃

The inner emotional landscape of Scorpio can also provide us with a strong imagination to support actualizing our desires. One of the keys to fueling anything that we want to achieve in life is our emotions. And we‘ve currently got access to really strong ones -let’s use them to propel us ahead!

Photo: Kiwihug | Unsplash

MARS ENTERS LIBRA 27th August 2023

When Mars enters Libra soon, we can expect a shift to a more verbal airy expression of this archetype. So don't be surprised when people start blurting out what they want or DON'T want. After all, Libra means cardinal air and that is uncensored words.

Mars is the archetype of our desire nature - that helps us to be clear in what we want and establish boundaries when necessary. Traditional astrology labels Mars as the god of war and sex, which are just SOME parts of our human desire nature. Sex is just a different narrow word for desire and war is a pretty strong expression of setting boundaries. But it is so much more! Mars gives us the motivation, energy and drive to keep going and overcome any obstacles we encounter on our path.

Libra - cardinal air - means expressing thoughts, ideas, and questions in a fast unfiltered way. Our collective thoughts might revolve around setting boundaries or verbalizing what we truly want.

Because of the cardinal quality of Libra, and the fastness that comes with it, there can be a tendency of not thinking before we speak, and blunt telling it as it is. Which could wreak some havoc in communication with others. But then again, we had a lot of holding back with our opinions lately, so a fresh blow of truth-speaking might be just what the cosmic doctor ordered.

photo: Cristobal Baeza | Unsplash