Venus, the planet of attraction and connection moves into Sagittarius tomorrow. We are shifting from the deep waters of Scorpio to the Mutable Fire of Sagittarius.

Adaptability and exchange are attributes of the Mutable energy. The Fire energy describes our passion, vision, and excitement for life.

We are in our Venus when we look at somebody we love. And when we feel the sublime Awe that a beautiful painting evokes in us. It is our heart’s energy that gets activated through Venus. What is dear to our hearts also concerns our values (external values like money and internal ones) & who or what we find attractive. Venus wants to connect. With Venus in Sagittarius, we value when we can share what excites us. What lights us up activates our hearts and we might seek that passionate exchange to connect to each other now. Like all mutable signs, Sagittarius wants to relate to somebody, sharing the joy and playfulness of a fire sign. We can use the following weeks to light up a spark in one another, to make that joy contagious. To share the fun and laughter in the midst of winter, bringing a glimpse of light into our lives.

Photo: Felix Rostig | Unsplash

MARS IN SAGITTARIUS 24th November 2023

Partners in Crime

Mars is soon going to move from watery Scorpio (fixed water) into fiery Sagittarius (mutable fire).

When it comes to Fire signs like Sagittarius, we've got to think passion, inspiration and vision. These people are bold and courageous, but different to Aries who likes to go first and lead, Sagittarius wants company in their endeavors.

Mutable Signs need other people they can do, see, feel and think together with. Which is why Sagittarius wants to share their excitement with others, a partner in crime. Their motto is: 2 heads are better than one when it comes to executing on a vision.

As a collective, we had the opportunity to conjure a lot of inspired thoughts the past week with Mercury being in Sagittarius already. Now it's time to take action on these. What we want is to execute on the vision we share. Going after our passion that lights a fire in our heart. And encourage each other, when it comes to asserting our boundaries and stating what we need.

Collaborating either in bold action or reckless shenanigans, both is very welcome right now. Adding a dash of playfulness and fun to get what we want might be the best Mutable Fire trick to propel us forward. Seeing challenges as a game and facing them as a team makes things much easier.

On a personal level, you might find yourself wanting to team up with others to tackle whatever is in front of you. Go find other people who can support you in your vision and fuel you into action, instead of dampening your spirit.

Photo: Joshua Gresham | Unsplash